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  • Writer's pictureMaddie Cohen

Together We Can Limit the Spread of COVID-19

While most would argue 2020 has taken a turn for the unexpected, I’m optimistic.

Why’s that?

Because communities are joining forces to protect residents and ultimately save lives.

On Flattening the COVID-19 Curve

Umbrella Security Services serves clients in all 50 states. The company is the only entity in Kent County, Michigan helping government agencies contain the spread of the novel coronavirus.

The security organization—which launched in December 2019 and serves some of the country’s most at-risk populations—is just one example of a business that’s hard at work to protect the public. Umbrella is proof that we can reclaim our lives while prioritizing safety.

I won’t focus too extensively on the company that’s so graciously given me a piece of real estate on their site. I will say that from what I’ve seen, the U.S. is gradually reopening with public health top of mind.

We Can Rebuild and Work to Maintain Good Health

Think about how far we’ve come in the last three months. I won’t pretend that everything is perfect, but I will say we’re now taking steps in an empowering direction.

Some examples I’ve seen:

· Most of us have come to understand that wearing a cloth face covering can help to protect ourselves and others. Community members are wearing them more and more—even in states that don’t require masks in outdoor spaces.

· Businesses are taking extra precautions to accommodate clients. From hair salons to sandwich shops to the DMV, bottles of hand sanitizer abound, and social distancing measures have begun to stick.

Together we can redefine our everyday lives and embrace a new “normal.” Here’s hoping that includes a safe, healthy, and secure future for everyone.

Contact Umbrella Security Services Today

Interested in a free consultation? Connect with Umbrella Security Services today, and a team member will follow up with the best services for your needs.

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